Whether a septic system is currently in use but neglected or whether you have an old, disused system, you should be aware that the components can pose a hazard to health and safety, especially as they become less structurally sound.
Learn about some septic components that can become hazardous as they age and why.
1. Old Septic Tank Lid
Some tanks, especially older ones, may have concrete lids, rather than risers with locking plastic lids. While concrete may sound more durable than plastic, these lids can easily crack as they age, compromising their security and structural integrity.
In addition to the possibility of coming loose, the concrete can fall victim to gases inside the tank. These gases can react with concrete and cause it to crumble over time by forming a strong, corrosive acid. Once the concrete has started to crumble from the inside, it's much less stable and may collapse if someone stands on it. If you have a concrete lid, replace it.
2. Cracked or Worn-Out Tank
Septic tank collapse is far more common than you might like to think. While acute damage (such as from heavy machinery) could be the cause in some cases, many tanks fail because they've worn out over the course of many years.
While the tanks of recent decades are sometimes made of plastic, many are still made of concrete. In addition to long-term corrosion from the gases in the tank, a concrete septic tank can develop cracks over the years as well. The damage can compound until the tank is no longer structurally sound. Never walk over a septic tank just in case it's damaged.
Another hazard your aging tank can offer is raw sewage. Leaking unprocessed wastewater into your yard can expose you and your family to many dangerous pathogens. Leaks are sometimes obvious — but not always. Having a professional checkup each year is critical if you want to make sure your tank stays in good shape and won't pose a health and safety hazard.
3. Aging Drain Lines or Leach Field
The other part of your septic system that can cause hazards is the pipe system. The main drain line carries wastewater from your home to the septic tank, and the leach field processes and distributes wastewater after the septic tank has separated solids from liquids.
A septic mainline that gets too old and collapses could result in a sewage backup problem into your home. This can expose you and your family to dangerous pathogens, creating a health and safety risk. However, an aging leach field can cause problems as well.
Rather than collapsing, the pipes in the leach field (and the soil or gravel the pipes rest in) tend to become clogged. The biomat, which is an essential part of water treatment, builds up over time, reducing the leach field's ability to drain away water. This is why even a well-kept leach field has a limited life expectancy; you can't simply expect it to keep working forever.
Although not as dramatic as a collapsing tank, a failed leach field can cause health and safety problems. Untreated effluent may accumulate at ground level or contaminate your well.
As you can see, your septic tank isn't the only part of your system that needs to be well-kept in order to avoid negative effects and even threats to health and safety. Your septic system expert can help you assess the condition of each septic component and identify any repairs or maintenance activities that the system needs.
Be sure to follow your septic contractor's advice for the frequency of pumping, inspections, and other regular maintenance, and don't put off any septic repairs. And if you find any old septic systems or cesspools on your property, be sure to fill them in safely right away.
For more information on septic pumping and other services that we provide, get in touch with AAA Pumping Service Inc. today. We can help with not only pumping services but also any sand trap pumping or grease pumping you may need.
Address: 2855 2nd Street Southwest , Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 505-345-3965